The Violet Hour Ethos

Cruelty Free
Violet Hour Skin is a cruelty free studio. From our partnership brands to the products we clean with; we select only the cleanest, kindest, most socially and environmentally conscious products.

Clean Skincare
Our carefully curated selection of products showcase clean formulations. No unnecessary or cheap ingredients, everything that serves the skin. Almost everything we stock is vegan too!

Environmentally & Socially Conscious
We choose to partner with brands who also share our mission to leave a small footprint and do better by our fellow humans in all aspects of business.

We are women’s women, fiercely feminist and LGBTQI+ inclusive - we support our queer and female community by partnering with brands and non-profits that work to strengthen, protect and empower.
Black Lives Matter and we are an Anti Racist business.
We believe in equity for all and continue to support non-profits that work towards this goal.
We are inclusive of all humans, we support and encourage everyone to fly their freak flag high, right by our side!

Each year we will pledge 1% of our profits to a local non-profit to help support our community in these causes. If you know of a good one, let us know.